
The major stakeholders of co-serving platform, which combines elements of reverse mortgage with a traditional saving account using defi structure to assist low-income individuals in purchasing their first homes, include:

Low-Income House Owner Borrowers
Primary Beneficieries of the platform.
Pension Funds
Play a key role as investors in the financial system.
Saving Accounts Banking
Play a role in facilitating the system's financial operation.
Government or Regulatory Bodies
To ensure that the system complies with financial regulations.
Housing and Real Estate Industry
Are indirectly impacted as the system may influence how real estate transactions and property sales are structured.
Social Responsability Organizations
Nonprofits focused on social responsability advocate for this system.
Financial Advisors and Counselors
Support the platform to navigate the system.
Communities and Local Authorities
Local communities may have an interest in the system, as it can impact housing affordability.
Investors in Mortgage-Backed Securities
If the loans from the system are bundled into mortagage-backed securities(MBS), investors in these securities may also be stakeholders.